INFOPATENTE: introduction to information research (2nd ed.)

This MOOC is an online journey through the world of digital information to tackle the issue of web research through the perspective of the so-called information literacy. In our hyperconnected world what does it mean to recognize, respond to, critically evaluate and be aware of the information overload we are exposed to  when surfing the net?  What tools can we use and how can we choose the right ones according to our needs? How can we avoid the constant risk of fake information and the echo effect of personalized surfing and information filter bubbles? Is Google the public enemy of conscious research or rather should we simply get to know its potentials better? Which tools from social web can be used by students to cope with distraction and data pollution?  We will try to answer to all these questions and also offer causes for reflection to face the topic of online research from a new point of view, different from the idea that “if it’s too inconvenient I’m not going after it”, abandoning the existing preconceptions we often have regarding online research as multitasking digital citizens addicted to information pollution

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate


Social Science

Training hours







1 weeks



Course Opens

Jan 30, 2021

Course Closes

Not Set
By the end of this course you will be able to…
  • apply a uniform and critical research approach to meet your specific information needs 
  • critically evaluate web resources stepping out from the confort zone built by social networks and google 
  • identify target and features of both news and documents search tools and be able to understand when and how to use them 
  • become aware of all the web X.0 features and possibilities and use new cloud tools to better organize data and keep them synchronized on different devices face Google accepting its undeniable superpowers as well as weaknesses and dangers 
  • use Google to start a correct bibliographic search using its specialized versions: Google Books and Google Scholar 
  • identify online and offline library documents and be able to talk with your librarian using the same vocabulary
The attendants to this course should not have previous specific skills but a basic knowing of web surfing and computer skills.

The course is based exclusively on original teaching materials made accessible to the learners via the course iself or highlighted in bibliographies at the end of each unit. There’s no need to buy textbooks.
This course is asynchronous and consists of short narrative videolessons, infographics and further study activities followed by interactive evaluation exercises and self-paced tests. If you intend to obtain credits or points it is strongly recommended to attend this course in chronological order that is to say before the following course BiBLIOPATENTE.
You can earn Attendance Certificate by completing all the final activities and tests in the sections MATERIALI DIDATTICI.



Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche D.U.S.I.C.