European and national policies for the validation of prior learning (6th ed.)

This course the fourth of the Pathway about Identification of prior experiential learning to validate and certificate competences and presents the European and national legislative system and the applied practices for the identification, validation and certification of learning acquired in not formal and informal contexts. It is organized into four learning units each developing into three video lessons on the following subjects, dealt by particularly knowledgeable teachers:

  • Recognition and validation of acquired Knowledge in an European view (Prof. Giorgio Federici, University of Florence); 
  • National politics and practices: (Prof. Mauro Palumbo, University of Genoa); 
  • VAE and the France experience: (Prof. Jean Marie Filloque, University of Caen – France); 
  • APEL and the English experience (dott.ssa Barbara Light, University of Middlesex, England).

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate
Verified Certificate
EUR 50


Social Science

Training hours







4 weeks



Course Opens

May 27, 2020

Course Closed

Oct 27, 2020
Topics proposed in this fourth MOOC relate to a learning pathway, connecting declarative and procedural knowledge proposed in the four units, and specifically:
  • political and legal framework within the EU and their impact in Italy prior to 2012
  • Political and legal framework in Italy about Lifelong Learning (Law 92/2012, Ministerial Decree 13/2013, Agreement between Regions and State dated January 2015), about recognition, validation and certification of competencies, acquired in non-formal and informal contexts
  • Elements of history and legislation of the French methodology of VAE- Validation des Acquis de l’Experience (Validation of experiential learning) with specific reference to university context 
  • Elements of history and legislation of the English methodology of APEL-Accreditation of Prior experiential learning, with specific reference to university contexts
No prerequisites.
Basic bibliography and additional texts are listed within the course units.
Videolectures, bibliographical references and participants’ forums.
An attendance certificate shall be delivered (free of charge) to all participants that shall successfully complete self assessment questionnaires proposed within the courses.