Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy

The course Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy, developed by the UNESCO Chair in Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education in the framework of the UNITWIN-UNESCO program, aims to provide an overview of the different green technologies for clean and innovative energy production, following the recent International policies. After providing an overview of the different energy and environmental policies, which represent a key-point from the strategic standpoint, different renewable energy solutions (wind, solar, hydro, bioenergies) are presented and investigated, focusing for each solution on practical applications, theoretical and experimental R&D activities, on-going projects and impact in different Countries and scenarios. This course will be followed by a Second Pack of lessons more focused on energy management technologies (storage, e-fuels, energy vectors) and sustainable transports.

Asistencia y Certificados

Cuota de Asistencia
Costo del Certificado de Participación


Tecnología, Design e Ingeniería

Horas de Entrenamiento







11 Semana



Apertura del Curso

abr 22, 2022

Cierra Curso

No establecido
  • To identify present energy policies, specific for different Continents and Countries.
  • To describe best practices and technologies able to foster an adequate energy transition leveraging rural development, green growth and proper environmental policies.
  • To discuss the use of the different renewable energy sources for clean and sustainable development.
  • To compare different innovative solutions for clean energy production and storage for the next future social development in many Countries.
  • To analyze best practices and International significant case studies for the diffusion of innovative and clean technologies for education and research purposes, also to foster R&D international cooperation. 

As a showcase course, the goal of the training program is but to divulgate experiences and best practices from all over the world in the topic of Sustainable Energy.

Both technical and non-technical recipients should be able to join the course with different purposes.

For technical/energy educated recipients: being stimulated about potential new R&D frontiers and projects, innovative applications and demonstrations etc., thus being motivated to enhance their know-how about sustainable energy.

For non-technical recipients: being fascinated about sustainable energy “as a whole” also thanks to some best practices and use cases to be presented during the lessons, thus being motivated to “approach” sustainable energy.

More details within the course.
The course includes 3 modules each of which contains 3 sections. Each module includes video lessons to be autonomously followed by students also thanks to training material support and a self-evaluation test. Module 1: How to boost energy transition globally speaking leveraging rural development, green growth and adequate policies; Module 2: Renewable Energy Sources (RES); Module 3: Bioenergy.
You can earn the Attendance Certificate by watching the included video-lectures and completing the tests.