Adult education, lifelong learning and competences approaches (6th ed.)

This course is the first of the pathway about Identification of prior experiential learning to validate and certificate competences and focuses on the critical presentation of the peculiar elements of adult education and studies in depth the paradigm of competence with a view of lifelong learning and of lifelong guidance.
It is organized into four learning units each developing into three video lessons on the following subjects, dealt by particularly knowledgeable teachers:
  • Adult education (prof. ssa Aureliana Alberici, University of Roma Tre); 
  • Adult guidance (prof.ssa Isabella Loiodice, University of Foggia); 
  • Identification of competences (Prof. Pasquale Moliterni, University Foro Italico – Rome); 
  • Assessment of competences (Prof. Luciano Galliani, University of Padua).

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate
Verified Certificate
EUR 50


Social Science

Training hours







4 weeks



Course Opens

May 27, 2020

Course Closed

Oct 27, 2020
Topics proposed in this first MOOC relate to a learning pathway, connecting declarative and procedural knowledge proposed in the four units, and specifically:
  • Historic, theoric, methologic evolution of adult education and continuing education, in a lifelong learning perspective;
  • Methods and techniques for orienting, re-orienting, re-design of professional, family, social and coaching relationships, for young and adult people, both occupied and unoccupied, and possibly experiencing difficulties;
  • Critical understanding of the complexity of the competency construct, in accordance with a personal interpretation of individual skills, which goes beyond required knowledge and skills;
  • Models, methods and techniques to assess competencies, acquired or developed in formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts.
No prerequisites
Basic bibliography and additional texts are listed within the course units.
Videolectures, bibliographical references and participants’ forums.
An attendance certificate shall be delivered (free of charge) to all participants that shall successfully complete self-assessment questionnaires proposed within the course.