Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences (6th ed.)

This course is the second of the Pathway about "Identification of prior experiential learning to validate and certificate competences" and describes theories, methods and techniques of guidance, group dynamics, how to run individual interviews and the guidance of persons to identify their competences.
It is organized into four learning units each developing into three video lessons on the following subjects, dealt by particularly knowledgeable teachers:
  • Theory and technique of counseling (Prof. Giancarlo Tanucci, University of Bari); 
  • Theories and techniques of group dynamics (Prof. Paolo Frignani, University of Ferrara); 
  • Techniques about how to run an individual interview (Prof.ssa Laura Formenti, University of Bicocca – Milan);
  • Professional role and ethical position of the guide (prof.ssa Deli Salini, Federal University Institution for professional training – Lugano).

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate
Verified Certificate
EUR 50


Social Science

Training hours







4 weeks



Course Opens

May 27, 2020

Course Closed

Oct 27, 2020
Topics proposed in this second MOOC relate to a learning pathway, connecting declarative and procedural knowledge proposed in the four units, and specifically:
  • Elements of psychology of inter-personal communication, dealing with extent and phases of professional counselling to empower own potential;
  • Elements of psychology of communication, dealing with group theory and group working methodologies;
  • Systemic perspective of communication relationships for individual history activation;
  • Principles, methods and operational dimensions of individual and group counselling aimed at individuating prior learning experiences.
No prerequisites.
Basic bibliography and additional texts are listed within the course units.
Videolectures, bibliographical references and participants’ forums.
An attendance certificate shall be delivered (free of charge) to all participants that shall successfully complete self assessment questionnaires proposed within the courses.