Europe and international law (3rd ed.)
About the Course
This course will propose the analysis of some judgments rendered by international courts and by the European Court of Justice on key issues of international and European law. It will also deal with more specific topics, such as violence against women and the fight against terrorism.Social Science
Training hours11
Self Paced
Duration4 weeks
Course Agenda
Course Opens
Course Closed
Learning outcomes
- to understand the complexity of the international legal system;
- to describe sources of law and the relations among them;
- to delve into the notion of State sovereignty and the limitations posed to that notion by international law;
- to analyze how international disputes are solved;
- thanks to case-law, to link the theoretical framework to the current situation at the international level.
Background and Requirements
Personal motivation is the only requirement.Textbooks
D. Carreau, F. Marrella, Diritto internazionale, Giuffrè, ult. edizione.
L’ABC del diritto dell’Unione europea,
Course Format
The course is divided into 4 Sections that include videolectures, forums and assessment tests.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
You can earn Attendance Certificate and Open badge by completing all the included video-lessons and the final tests of each section, answering correctly to minimum 70% of questions.