Introduction course to NMR
About the Course
Twelve videos grouped into five Didactical Units guide the viewer from the physical basis of the NMR phenomenon to simple mono-dimensional proton spectra to hetero nuclear spectra to the most used two-dimensional techniques, with emphasis on spectra interpretation. Some complete characterizations examples using these techniques are discussed at the end of the course.Science
Training hours12
Duration5 weeks
Course Agenda
Course Opens
Course Closed
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to interpret monodimensional spectra of various nuclei (1H, 13C, 31P etc.) and two-dimensional (mainly 1H / 13C ) in order to achieve the complete assignment of all the resonances. This consequently allows the complete structural determination of organic molecules and organometallic complexes.Background and Requirements
No specific requirementsTextbooks
R.M.Silverstein, F.X.Webster, D.J. Kiemle, D.L. Bryce: “Identificazione spettrometrica di composti organici”, terza edizione, CEA, ISBN 978-8808-18350-7Course Format
The course is divided into 5 Sections that include videolectures, forums and assessment tests.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
You can earn Attendance Certificate and Open badge by completing all the included video-lessons and the final tests of each section, answering correctly to minimum 70% of questions.