Courses and Pathways in Technology, Design and Engineering

The course Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy - part 2, developed by the UNESCO Chair in Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education in the framework of the UNITWIN-UNESCO program, aims to provide an overview of the different green technologies/solutions for clean and innovative energy production, storage, distribution and final uses. After providing an overview of the different technologies related to energy storage, which represent a key-point from the strategic standpoint, solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids are presented. The second part of the course focuses on clean Hydrogen production, storage and use, also investigating Power-to-gas and Power-to-fuel solutions. Finally, practical applications in the field of sustainable transports (maritime, cars, trains, etc.) are presented, considering different Countries and scenarios. This course integrates and completes the First Pack of lessons, more focused on energy policies and clean energy production technologies by RES.

The course Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy, developed by the UNESCO Chair in Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education in the framework of the UNITWIN-UNESCO program, aims to provide an overview of the different green technologies for clean and innovative energy production, following the recent International policies. After providing an overview of the different energy and environmental policies, which represent a key-point from the strategic standpoint, different renewable energy solutions (wind, solar, hydro, bioenergies) are presented and investigated, focusing for each solution on practical applications, theoretical and experimental R&D activities, on-going projects and impact in different Countries and scenarios. This course will be followed by a Second Pack of lessons more focused on energy management technologies (storage, e-fuels, energy vectors) and sustainable transports.

Questo corso è stato sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto europeo Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership "IWAC - The integration of Web Accessibility Courses in ICT programmes".
Qui imparerai a conoscere l'importanza dell'accessibilità web in relazione alle diverse abilità degli utenti.
Il corso è suddiviso in 4 moduli, ciascuno dei quali è dedicato a una diversa forma di disabilità (mobilità, visione, cognizione, udito).
Per ulteriori informazioni ti invitiamo a visualizzare  il video di copertina.

Climate change is a rising political priority for European citizens. In the fight against climate change, innovation is key to help develop the clean energy solutions to produce, consume and move differently.

To understand the challenges of the EU innovation policies in the energy transition, the Jacques Delors Institute propose a free online course : 9 short videos to grasp what is a genuine energy transition, how innovation is born and funded, meeting real-life innovators and see what Europe can do for them.

A course with three entrepreneurs in Energy innovation and four experts from the European Commission’s Think tank, from E3G, and from the Jacques Delors Institute.

[All videolectures in the course are subtitled in Italian.]
Pope Francis’s Laudato si’ Encyclical, on one side, and the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, on the other, define a new vision for people, planet and prosperity for transforming our world on the basis of a new idea of sustainable development focused on consolidate universal peace, eradicating poverty and to heal and secure our planet "to shift the world on to a new sustainable and resilient path". This new vision of sustainable development should be oriented to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies through eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty and hunger everywhere; to combat inequalities; to protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. This new approach implies inter-linkages and multidimensional nature of the Sustainable Development Goals oriented to improve the quality of life and world and to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities. Following this approach this course will be addressed to give a system of knowledge, expertise and know-how to analyse the set of issues related to the UN 2030 Agenda and how manage through project management instruments and a problem solving approach. In this innovative and attractive new framework/vision coming from UN Agenda and Pope Francis’s Encyclical, the MSDG aims at integrating knowledge and expertise in the field of Social Sciences - from Geopolitics to Economic Growth, Social Development, International Law- with the UN Agenda SD goals and a set of strategic competencies to manage international projects on Sustainable Development – SD Project Management, Negotiation and Cultural Mediation Technical, Social Corporate Responsibility, Social Innovation Promotion and Dissemination of SD Projects, Problem Solving. Open and collaborative approaches will be introduced to promote a new pervasive and global vision and approach on SD. Therefore the MSDG follows a matrix structure that integrates the main pillars of 2030 UN Agenda with the 5 specific areas of critical importance for Sustainable Development (SD): 

  • Planet: to protect the planet from degradation and to promote the sustainable management of natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change in the perspective to support the needs of the present and future generations. 
  • Prosperity: to ensure good level of prosperity at all human beings, and economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature. 
  • Peace: to strengthen peace around the world and guarantee peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. 
  • Partnership: to implement the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focussed in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries and all stakeholders. 
  • People: to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions.